Despite its "low" score, Drumline is clearly the second greatest teen competition movie of all time that either of us have ever seen. So there. Scientific method: MYTH BUSTED. YOU BETTER DRUMLINE.
- A great big ZERO POINTS for racial or class tension. Everyone in this movie is basically on equal ground, and if they don't start out that way they earn the respect of their bandmates by doing one-armed push-ups or making jokes about the school having too many black people.
- 10 points for pursuing a love interest
- 10 points for a very serious, Earth, Wind, and Fire-loving Orlando Jones as the mentor who teaches him there's more to drumline than just drumming in a line. WAIT.
- AN EXTRA 5 POINTS for an INVISIBLE MENTOR in the form of his deadbeat father, who threw away his own music career to follow his dream of selling tickets at the bus station.
- 10 points for a mid-movie setback that involves our main character being a great big drum clown
- 10 points for a training montage that managed to be different by just showing Mr. Mariah Carey learning how to read music instead of involving the entire band.
- 10 points for getting kicked off the team
- 10 points for a message of teamwork AND compromise
- 10 points for SPOILER ALERT winning nationals
- 1 point for a skill brawl between READ and CAN'T READ

- 1 point for a scholarship on the line
- 1 point for ending with a tiebreaker
- 1 point for giving us goosebumps
- 8 points for Zoe Saldana being super flyyyy

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